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Cannamore Orchard grows a variety of pumpkins and gourds of all shapes and sizes! Cherish that valuable time spent with your children in searching for the "perfect" Halloween pumpkin! Don't forget to select another one for your baking needs or simply visit the orchard store to discover delicious pumpkin pies already made!
Pre-picked pumpkins are located at the front outside the orchard store in the pumpkin house and in the wagons. Pumpkins range in size from the smaller pie pumpkins to the larger carving pumpkins. Also found here are gourds (many colours, sizes, and shapes) as well as coloured corn and corn stalks.

Come “pick your own pumpkin" beginning mid-September. There are carts and wagon available to bring back what you find. Pick-your-own pumpkins are priced the same as the pre-picked pumpkins. Pumpkins are usually available everyday all through September and in October until Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving, because of Acres of Terror, they are only available on weekdays.
Dogs are not allowed on the property, with the exception of service animals.

Pick Your Own
OCT 28th.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
50% off
Pumpkin picking is available from 10AM to 5PM weekdays and weekends during pumpkin season. Note that after Thanksgiving, pumpkin picking is only available weekdays due to the Spooky Wagon Ride running on weekend days.
We stop allowing people to enter the pumpkin field
at 4 pm.
The store closes at 5 pm

For a unique jack-o-lantern, add a little glow paint, or fake blood.
Insert a bowl into a carved pumpkin and add dry ice and warm water to create an extra spooky, smoke filled jack-o’-lantern.
Apply a light coating of petroleum jelly on all cuts to seal the wounds and make the pumpkin last longer.
If you need to keep a carved pumpkin for a few days, keep it in a cool, dark place to slow spoilage and lessen fruit flies.
You can usually revive shrunken pumpkins by soaking them in a bucket of water.
Keep your finished pumpkin on a metal pie or cookie pan, especially if indoors. This keeps any dripping wax that might get through the pumpkin off the furniture and when the pumpkin begins to go bad, prevents messy spills and stains.
Do not leave a pumpkin unattended with a lit candle inside.
When using knives, even a pumpkin carving knife:
do not let very young children use them
always point knives away from you
keep your free hand away from the direction of the knife
use a slicing motions, like cutting a sandwich, and never force the knife.